How to View Performance Reports

Attrisys provides you with performance reports across multiple dimensions to help you comprehensively analyze the effectiveness of off-Amazon traffic. These include date, ad, and product dimensions.

Date Dimension: Here, you can view the full funnel performance data for each ad every day.

In the action column on the far right, click the 'Product Insights' icon to view detailed order data for that particular ad.

Ad Dimension: This allows you to view performance data for each individual ad.

Similarly, in the action column, click 'Ad Insights' and 'Product Insights' to view trend analysis and detailed order data for the ad, respectively.

Additionally, the ad dimension report provides aggregated data by channel, making it easier for you to gauge the overall effectiveness of your campaigns globally.

Product Dimension: Here, you can view performance data for products in your Amazon store, including rankings, new vs. returning customer ratios, and brand influence indices.

Additionally, you can see which ads have driven sales for a particular product.

In the action column, click 'Trend Chart' to view the data performance trend for the product.

Last updated